Most pupils want to know why they are studying something; this is particularly significant in relation to the maths curriculum
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Most pupils want to know why they are studying something; this is particularly significant in relation to the maths curriculum
A resource which glues together resources found in LGfL's award-winning portfolio of curriculum resources to support programming
LGfL has collaborated with Tanzii TV to create a series of free short, high-energy workout videos that can easily fit into daily routines and appeal to children from Nursery to Year 6
The goal is to support creative activities that promote critical reflection and honest conversation within school communities. enabling all members to engage with issues that matter
Recognising and promoting the achievements of women in British computing
LGfL has produced a range of unique resources with partners to support the delivery of Holocaust Education.
Follow the intrepid astronaut Tazz Anderson and her on board computer (MIC) on a mission to the moon to bring back the valuable raw material ‘Dysprosium’ for use in smart devices back on planet Earth.
A comprehensive training tool developed for staff to support pupils, the community and themselves with Mental Health and Wellbeing
Resources to help school communities build resilience and understand mental health better
Immersive Learning - Create user-generated immersive environments and scenarios using an iPad the Sandbox platform and a creative mind
The resource that does what it says on the tin, with bite-sized videos that take maths out of the classroom for the entire primary curriculum
Switch-compatible literacy tool from SEN Assist for SEND pupils but ideal for EYFS too
Featuring videos explaining the importance and relevance of key assets within the Weiner Library’s collection
Introduction to the Bard for learners with SEND, EAL and Early Years from SEN Assist
Helping the developers of tomorrow understand the lessons learned by the pioneers of computing
The six major world faiths, seen through the eyes of London schoolchildren
Featuring expert video, Fossils and Dinosaurs features the development of life on our planet over billions of years.
This KS1 resource takes a handful of particularly important events and people and investigates their impact on history
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Registered Address: 9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.