KCSIE Translations
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Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. That's why ALL school staff must read and understand Part 1 of the DfE's statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education.
It can be a challenge for those who speak English as an Additional Language to fully understand the meaning and principles of this guidance. That's why, as part of LGfL's commitment to helping schools keep children safe, we have commissioned translations of KCSIE Part 1 into thirteen community languages. These are now available below as free, open-access documents for the benefit of all schools.
Feel free to download and print (buttons for both are on the top right of the page when you have the document open) but please do not upload elsewhere. Only share online by referring people to this page: kcsietranslate.lgfl.net
Part 1 Translations
All staff who work directly with children should read Part 1 (English original from page 7 here). Equally all staff should either read Part 1 or Annex A. Please access the free translations of KCSIE 2024 Part 1 in the languages below.
READ ALOUD - we cannot translate into every language, but it may also help many people to hear the English document read aloud. You can use the Microsoft Edge browser to do this. Open Microsoft Edge, copy and paste this link into it >> right-click on the document at the relevant points and click 'Read aloud'