This unit is designed to help teachers in the UK have conversations about race with their students in a safe, sensitive, and constructive way.
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
This unit is designed to help teachers in the UK have conversations about race with their students in a safe, sensitive, and constructive way.
An easy read guide to the Race Riots 2024
A guide on how to speak to children about the race riots of 2024
Guidance for schools on addressing misogyny, toxic masculinity and social media influence through PSHE education
Guidance on making a Prevent referral
Channel' Duty Guidance
Prevent Duty Guidance
Contest' Counter-Terrorism Strategy
An introduction to the extremist misogynistic group called Incels. What is it all about, why are they a danger to others and to themselves and how can we proactively identify concerns?
Prevent duty risk assessment templates for early years, schools and further education providers.
How to Report Suspected Terrorism
Guidance for schools on how to help young people understand terrorist attacks
Introductory training from the Home Office to provide an important foundation on which to develop further knowledge around the risks of radicalisation and the role that you can play in supporting those at risk
Educate against Hate- resources for teachers, pupils and parents on safeguarding students from radicalisation and promoting shared values
Official advice for maintained schools on promoting British Values
Resource library to support schools as they approach this difficult topic within and beyond the curriculum
Discussion framework to support young people in the classroom
Display this poster to show you're fighting against extremism
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