KCSIE requires ALL governors to attend safeguarding training that is strategic to help them fulfil their duties
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KCSIE requires ALL governors to attend safeguarding training that is strategic to help them fulfil their duties
Do your safeguarding team and senior leaders strategically manage filtering as a safeguarding system?
Join this 1 hour webinar to consider schools' responsibilities to safeguard Global Majority children as per the statutory guidance, KCSIE 2024
If you have just become or are about to become a DSL in a school, please come along to this training to understand your role and responsibilities.
2 consecutive mornings online training run by experienced safeguarding practitioner, for existing DSLs
2 consecutive mornings online training run by experienced safeguarding practitioner, for existing DSLs
Neglect is the most prevalent form of abuse but often the most challenging to identify. Discover types, impact and next steps
How does poverty impact upon neglect? How do we respond to neglect when it is as a result of poverty? And how can we best support children and families who are experiencing poverty?
Build on your knowledge of the Prevent Duty and recent updates to show compliance and keep children safe in your school
Join our SEND DSL Forum to network and share good practice with all matters relating to safeguarding SEND pupils
Do your safeguarding team and senior leaders strategically manage filtering as a safeguarding system?
KCSIE requires ALL governors to attend safeguarding training that is strategic to help them fulfil their duties
Come to this practical session to find out how to use SafeSkills in your school
08 Oct 2024
Face to face training about engaging parents to safeguard children
Includes CEOP Online Sexual Abuse training, plus insights and classroom activities from LGfL & others
Neglect can occur in any family, even those of considerable wealth, however this isnt always recognised
Neglect is identified much less often in older children, compared to younger children, but the effects can be significant
Exploring challenges identifying the neglect of disabled children, and what schools can do to overcome them
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