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Retention Policies

This document states the retention and disposal schedule for LGfL customer information processed in its systems.

This retention schedule is designed to provide a clear set of rules whereby LGfL will continue to store its customer information on its various systems until the retention period has been reached. Records will be destroyed as per this schedule and there will be human intervention before any records are destroyed by the Authorising Officer and the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at LGfL, along with the Data Protection Officer (DPO) at Atomwide, who will check that none of the records that will be destroyed fall under the following:

  • Need to keep in order to support a key business activity;

  • Any pending legal action; or

  • Any changes in legislation.


If you have any questions relating to this Retention and Disposal schedule, please contact the LGfL Data Protection Officer (DPO) at

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Registered Address: ​9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.