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Web Filtering for Home

Accredited by the UK Safer Internet Centre - for school  devices used at home

What is HomeProtect?

Keeping children safe is in LGfL’s DNA. We have long been known for safeguarding expertise in education, training, research & policy, but also technology.

For many years we have provided schoolsafe internet filtering, but now we also have supersafe filtering for the home.

LGfL HomeProtect is for managed Windows devices, Chromebooks or iPads and is nothing like the simple ‘family settings’ available from consumer ISPs.

IMPORTANT - are you logging? Take action to turn on to allow reports

We recently upgraded the HomeProtect system for filtering school devices in the home which we developed for you during the pandemic. One of the key developments relates to logging and reporting abilities to help you meet the KCSIE requirements and DfE filtering standards. Please make sure you have activated logging so you can run regular or ad hoc reports. Simply follow these instructions (or pass to your technician) to ensure you can run a report when you need to.

Key features

Same tech protects 1 million+ children at LGfL schools

Easy to deploy: individual devices or across the school

Use on managed iPads, Chromebooks & Windows devices

Are my devices compatible and how do I install it?
Define 'safe', what does it block, can I customise it?

HomeProtect FAQs

If you have questions that aren't answered on this page (they probably are though so please read all the documents!), please email

Case Studies: How has HomeProtect been used?

HomeProtect case study - Wandsworth schools
HomeProtect case study - St George's Primary, Wandsworth

"With safeguarding at the top of every school's agenda, it was really important to our Trust to extend the filtering protections to learners at home. As always, LGfL recognised our requirements and delivered a cost-effective solution. As a G Suite for Education MAT, setup and configuration couldn't have been easier, giving us piece of mind in an effective, well supported system."

Louise Pragnell, Head of IT, Learning in Harmony Trust

Save more than you spend and keep children safe

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Registered Address: ​9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.