An interactive online safety diagnostic teaching tool for schools, enabling teachers to monitor progress throughout the year and drill down to school, class and pupil level to identify areas for development.
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
An interactive online safety diagnostic teaching tool for schools, enabling teachers to monitor progress throughout the year and drill down to school, class and pupil level to identify areas for development.
A range of videos and other resources to help staff understand filtering requirements under KCSIE
Educational activities and lessons to raise awareness of extremism and promote critical thinking
Assess staff understanding of the Prevent duty and identify knowledge gaps
Undressed campaign: video, song, teacher guide and resources
ParentSafe portal for parents to use directly
LGfL CE resource
Ready to use presentation using latest research with top tips and ideas for parents and carers
Practical resource for teachers to empower young people to: recognise examples of extremist behaviour and content online, understand actions which could be identified as criminal activity, explore techniques used for persuasion and build resilience
Free training for LGfL school staff
A customisable audit tool to help schools carry out an annual review of their approaches, systems, training and teaching related to online safety
LGfL video on the Gen AI: The Harms Landscape for parents, teachers and safeguarders
An overview for all staff working in education settings in England on responding to incidents
Online form or printable survey to find out what was good and bad from the holidays - great for the start of term or new intake
Find out more about the workings of the MASH, understand it more and work better with health, social care and police colleagues?
Safeguarding guidance for parents and carers on selecting a online tutor for their children
NEW: Online Safety Policy template (September 2024)
For teachers and all other staff, plus volunteers and governors
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Registered Address: 9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.