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Parent Online Safety: A Presentation for Schools

We know it's not easy to talk to parents about online safety - so we've created a ready to use presentation for you to deliver to them. Find top tips, discussion starters and resources to help empower them to keep their children safe and start those key safeguarding conversations.

planning your parent session
device use and ownership

When it comes to online Safety, we recommend a drip-feed approach rather than one single session. Choose events where parents are already present - parent evenings, celebration days, coffee mornings etc. 

Simply select the topic(s) and relevant slides from the above menu. We've added practitioner notes/prompts to support your discussions. Why not get your pupils to present alongside, share their knowledge of the latest trends or demonstrate privacy settings.

Don't forget to let us know how you get on using presentation! You can email us or tag us on social media (X or Facebook)

Save more than you spend and keep children safe

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