Reporting a Data Breach
A data breach can be described as:
Any confirmed or suspected event in relation to the security of customer data;
Violation of explicit or implied data security policy;
Attempts either failed or successful, to gain unauthorised access to customer data;
Unauthorised access to any customer data;
Changes to any customer data without the knowledge, instruction or consent of the customer.
LGfL has a legal obligation to ensure that customer data stored on its systems has both technical and non-technical controls in place to protect the integrity of it and in the event of a data breach, to have processes in place to quickly identify and remediate the breach.
Should you become aware of any data security breaches, please report them to and we will assist you in understanding and assessing the breach and the next steps to take.
On becoming aware of a breach, the LGfL will attempt to contain it and assess the potential adverse consequences for individuals, based on how serious or substantial these are, and how likely they are to happen.