Designed with KCSIE, Ofsted and the Prevent duty guidance in mind, this page offers up to date Prevent training to support your whole school approach, quality-assured resources for safeguarding teams, staff, parents and carers, with guidance on risk assessment, policy and cross-curricular content to build resilience to extremism and promote critical thinking.
Prevent Training
The 'Prevent Duty for School Safeguarding' training will support you in your role to ensure your school is compliant with the Prevent duty. You will be equipped with practical ideas, effective strategies and the latest guidance to understand key principles, implement the Prevent duty as part of a whole school approach, and develop an action plan. Suitable for SLT and governors.

Prevent Resource Portal
Access cross-curricular resources to help build pupil resilience to extremism and promote critical thinking online, along with guidance for safeguarding teams, staff CPD, parents and carers to support your risk assessment, policy and practice.
All our resources are quality-assured and free to access

NEW Prevent Quiz for Staff
Use this short quiz to assess your staff's understanding of the updated Prevent duty guidance. Packed with scenario-based questions around radicalisation, responding to concerns and promoting British values, you can use the results to identify any knowledge gaps and areas for development.

Have you seen our latest Prevent resources?
Going Too Far?
A classroom resource on extremism, online safety and critical thinking

Act Early Stories
Secondary lessons to build resilience to extremism and promote British Values

Prevent CPD resource with training for DSLs and all staff: with a far right focus

Prevent Training
Have a look at our training courses, including a session on developing your school's Prevent Risk Assessment