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Concierge is a new LGfL service designed to ensure that you receive fantastic support from LGfL and our partners 

Here to Help - Concierge Dog

What is Concierge?

Concierge is a new LGfL team that integrates with all LGfL’s services, including those delivered on our behalf by partners such as Virgin Media and Wavenet

The Concierge Service is designed to add value and enhance existing support services used by your school or MAT. 

Concierge enhances existing support services by ensuring they perform brilliantly and, when they don’t, giving you a means of reaching out for additional help and support. 

Concierge, therefore, complements existing support arrangements such as the LGfL Helpdesk. It does not replace them. 

Concierge Priorities for Action

The priorities for the Concierge Service are:

  • To act as a Safety Net by fixing problems quickly and with minimum disruption wherever possible

  • To provide a Direct Escalation Channel to LGfL’s senior managers when you need help

  • To be a Personal Friend and Advisor who helps you make the most out of LGfL

  • To be an effective Early Warning System, continuously searching for and seeking out, new risks, unexpected events and problems that could adversely affect you 

  • To harness the intelligence gathered by LGfL’s Early Warning Systems and take steps to proactively resolve problems and remediate risks before they become a problem or issue for your school and MAT.

Save more than you spend and keep children safe

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Registered Address: ​9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.