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LGfL Schools love being a part of our community, hear why!

Save more than you spend and keep children safe

Daubeney Primary School

Robin Warren, Executive Head for Blossom Federation of Schools, and Federation Business Manager discuss the full extent of their LGfL subscription and how taking advantage of a vast range of resources, training and products have allowed their schools to save money, time and improve processes.

Whitefield Primary School

We met up with Whitefield Primary School in Liverpool to hear how LGfL's SafeguardED (formerly DigiSafe) service helps them keep children safe

St John's CofE School

Jonathan Furness, Headteacher at St John's CofE (part of the Epping Forst Trust) speaks about the value of the LGfL and how the subscription has allowed them to maximise the opportunities for their children.

Flakefleet Primary School

David McPartlin, Headteacher at Flakefleet Primary School, shares their experience of enjoying the benefits of being in the LGfL community both as part of the LGfL Broadband subscription and other free additional extras

Exning Primary School

James Clark, Headteacher at Exning Primary School (Newmarket) shares their experience of moving to LGfL to support their vision, such as moving to the cloud and increasing device-to-pupil ratios.

The Grey Coat Hospital Case Study

Marie Holmes (School Bursar) at The Grey Coat Hospital School discusses the impact that LGfL services have had on extending opportunities for students in this outstanding Secondary School in Westminister.
The school is in the process of evaluating the new LGfL service offers and how these can also contribute positively to the ongoing success of the staff and students throughout the school.

Flakefleet Primary School

David McPartlin, Headteacher at Flakefleet Primary School, explains how inclusive his school strives to be and how small investments or strategies can make a big impact.

Save more than you spend and keep children safe

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Registered Address: ​9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.