Prevent and COVID-19
Responding to Prevent risks in the education sector
This webinar with the UK National Prevent Coordinator was livestreamed in collaboration with the DfE in August 2020 to convey the impact of Covid 19 on Prevent, and outline practical suggestions and tools to support Local Authority Prevent Teams to respond to Prevent risks in the education sector.
Below are the presentations and a selection of links and resources from the event.
Nik Adams, UK National Prevent Coordinator
The video includes 3 sections. Hit play for part 1 or click the titles below for sections 2 or 3.
Impact of C19 on Prevent and extremist responses
Professor Lyn Davies, Connect Futures
In the first of our follow-up sessions, we met with Professor Lyn Davies from Connect Futures to talk about effective educational approaches to counter violent terrorism.
The session includes clips from Connect Futures films - watch them and others in full and find out more about the work of Connect Futures here.
Victoria Baker, National Literacy Trust
Our final session was with Victoria Baker from NewsWise at the National Literacy Trust.
Victoria referenced the News Literacy Network resources and the Literacy Trust's Fake News page, plus the Guardian's Newswise section.
Further useful links and resources
Department for Education
Full Briefing: COVID-19 Prevent Guidance For Schools and Further Education Providers - the DfE’s briefing for schools and colleges is for senior leaders, teachers and safeguarding leads at schools and further education providers on how extremists are using COVID-19 to promote disinformation, misinformation and conspiracy theories. This non-statutory advice from the Department for Education has been produced to provide a short summary of the extremist response to COVID-19, highlighting the additional radicalisation risks for children and young people and suggested actions for settings to take.
Further support and guidance on extremism, radicalisation and the Prevent Duty can be found at Educate Against Hate , Let’s Talk About It, the Education Training Foundation (FE)
- – practical implementation of the Prevent duty as part of a whole school approach
- – safeguarding resource portal where you can filter by topic, key stage and audience
- – resources to promote critical thinking online
- – updated templates for school policies and AUPs for Sept 2020
- – RSHE online safety quiz with scenarios and feedback to promote classroom discussion
- – guidance and resources to keep children safe during COVID, including remote learning, targeted to support DSLs, all staff, parents and pupils
BBC Bitesize - Fact or fake? Tips for spotting fake news online