Anti-fraud lesson plans for KS3 & 4 to raise awareness of financial crime
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
Anti-fraud lesson plans for KS3 & 4 to raise awareness of financial crime
Poster (A3) for parents: Why it's worth having a parent-child chat
A range of advice from the Childline Voicebox team
Campaign on money mules has been developed by UK Finance
Joint report into life online for children with SEND by Facebook, Youthscape and Internet Matters
Helpful DfE case studies on different approaches to counter bullying
Captain Safety is the LEGO digital safety hero and he's on a mission! Find out how you can become an online safety hero yourself!
This workshop opens up the discussion about knife crime, the statistics and some possible solutions. Its suitable for 11- to 16-year-olds and teachers are encouraged to adapt it as necessary. There are two activities which total 40 minutes but these can be run separately
Advice videos on young people being used as 'money mules' - a form of money laundering which can put children/young people at serious risk of criminalisation, frozen bank accounts and violence.
BBC Bitesize's fact or fake campaign, aimed at 11-16 year olds
For parents, professionals and secondary-age pupils
The flexible, ready-to-use content has been co-created with educators and young people and help teach PSHE, RHE and RSHE to Upper KS2, KS3 and KS4 students.
Resources from CEOP on live streaming
Spotlight videos with stimulus and discussion questions to keep safeguarding at the top of everyone's agenda
A series of videos for pupils to promote self-esteem, confidence online and life beyond the 'likes'.
Guidance for parents on spotting fake news
Poster (A3) for staff to put by or on a mirror
Simple steps to a balanced digital diet and better wellbeing, including screen time
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