A framework developed by the PSHE Association to facilitate classroom discussions in the event of a terrorist attack.
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
A framework developed by the PSHE Association to facilitate classroom discussions in the event of a terrorist attack.
Independent factchecking charity
Poster (A3) for secondaries: What if it were your pic?
Australian film resource on sexting and sharing with lesson plans and video interviews with key characters
anti bullying presentation which is aimed at secondary school children and above. This covers issues such as cyberbullying, how bullying can feel, building resilience and choosing kindness.
Bullying Resources from the Diana Award
This lesson allows students to examine their own online behaviours and understand the consequences of some of their actions. It allows them room to explore the subjectivity of cyberbullying behaviour and reinforces their responsibilities regarding their behaviour towards others online.
A DfE Prevent Officer joined the DigiSafe team for this Q&A prevent webinar to help schools implement their risk assessment
Lesson, activity and quiz on interpreting online news
Advice videos on young people being used as 'money mules' - a form of money laundering which can put children/young people at serious risk of criminalisation, frozen bank accounts and violence.
Fact check Internet hoaxes, rumours and fake news
Secondary resources unpicking extreme right wing, Islamist and other forms of extremism and terrorism
Fake News discussion starters for parents / primary & secondary lesson materials
Download free cross curricular resources and guidance to promote British Values and hold difficult conversations
From Gangs and Stabbings to Changing Young Lives
Classroom resources and activities to empower children to find credible information on the internet
Childnet booklet
Strategy game helps pupils understand how and why fake news is spread
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