Powerful videos, teaching PowerPoint and lesson plan for secondaries from Childnet
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
Powerful videos, teaching PowerPoint and lesson plan for secondaries from Childnet
Lesson Plan: Fighting Fake News
A booklet with information about what online harm is and ways you can effectively help and support your children
Reporting sexual abuse and harassment in schools
Lesson plans using peer-to-peer discussion, videos and activities to explore social media, evaluate how social media might impact wellbeing and understand the importance of balancing online and offline activity.
Adventure-packed online game from Google that makes learning about digital safety and citizenship interactive and fun
Guidance, resources and advice to raise awareness of public sexual harassment
Money Mules - what you need to know' with Dawn Wood, Metropolitan Police
Childnet advice on Live Streaming
This lesson explores the connection between social media and mental health examining how it can have both positive and negative effects on our self-esteem.
CSE guidance and support for young people
Part of Childnet's PSHE Toolkit - exploring the issue of self-esteem; reflecting on whether online life reflects real life; exploring when online content crosses the line.
Childline Voicebox video
Advice and information about Operation Encompass
Sexual abuse - from discovery to recovery' with Sarah French from the Marie Collins Foundation - Safeconf 2020
Blog post from LGfL
Internet Matters parent pack for schools (presentation, posters, leaflets)
Discrimination, hate crime and equality
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