Social Media for trainee teachers
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
Social Media for trainee teachers
Young People & E-Safety leaflet
Teacher presentation: Importance of E-Safety
Guide to checking your digital footprint
Horrible Histories video about sharing personal information online
Caught in the Web - BBC Newsround video
Parent Presentation: Stay Safe Online
Parent advice: radicalisation & extremism
Report child abuse images online to IWF
Harriet and Morrighan talk about Instagram filters and tweetiquette
(Long) video on how your data is captured to form your Online Identity
Chat and social media are great ways to stay in touch - but there are risks meeting people online
How your online reputation goes ahead of you and can affect your future
A safe, fake website to investigate, forcing children to think about what they are reading online
A safe, fake website to investigate, forcing children to think about what they are reading online
The story of a famous composite photo that convinced many people online
How to get the best out of a search string using the google engine
Advice for under 25s on sexting, selfies, bullying and online dating
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