Oxfam guide to teaching controversial issues of all sorts
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
Oxfam guide to teaching controversial issues of all sorts
Advice and strategies to support parents, teachers and YP with issues resulting from sexting incidents
Top OS tips from Club Penguin
A safe, fake website to investigate, forcing children to think about what they are reading online
Year 4 computer games lesson on media violence
Animation about playing a game and not clicking pop ups
Lady Jane Grey - Horrible Histories video about opening unknown attachments
Students Jack and Antoni explain how your reputation can be damaged
Students Alexandra and Jasmine explain how people behave differently online
A resource for those working with young people from Early Years through to Key Stage 5, supporting them to promote gender equality throughout their settings and tackle sexism and sexual harassment.
Netsmartz four basic rules for Internet Safety
Advice videos on young people being used as 'money mules' - a form of money laundering which can put children/young people at serious risk of criminalisation, frozen bank accounts and violence.
Lesson plans, videos and resources cyberbullying with an LGBT focus
Guidance for teachers to make the most of 'Going Too Far' to help their students build resilience to extremism and online harms.
Advice from the National Deaf Children's Society
Powerful videos, teaching PowerPoint and lesson plan for secondaries from Childnet
Find out about this sort of bullying - what it is and what schools can do about it
This lesson asks students to consider their screen time, and what influences their decision to interact with various apps, platforms and games.
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