Find out about this sort of bullying - what it is and what schools can do about it
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
Find out about this sort of bullying - what it is and what schools can do about it
This lesson asks students to consider their screen time, and what influences their decision to interact with various apps, platforms and games.
Just a Joke? Classroom activities to raise awareness of sexualised online bullying for 9 - 12 yr olds
Advice for young people on gun and knife crime
Sexting Mythbuster Poster - for Staff use
Fake videos of real people and how to spot them
Search for games by PEGI or ESRB rating, duration, genre, theme, platforms, number of players or those that don't have in-app purchases.
Fact-checking and Internet reference source for urban legends, folklore, myths, rumours, and misinformation
Keyboard and app to track how you feel and improve your wellbeing
This document shows how schools can ensure their pupils understand staying safe online as part of forthcoming and existing curriculum requirements
Parent Engagement with Online Safety' - school case study with Andrew Cowley from SafeConf 2020
Excellent early years videos and discussion ideas: happy / safe / lost / 'No!' / touching
In insight into pornography and its impact
Guidance to empower children to use lateral thinking to avoid being fooled by fake viral videos
Skills tool promoting a positive and inclusive culture online
Guidance on the importance of language within safeguarding with examples for inclusivity
Poster with 6 tips from Webwise Ireland
Mencap parent guide: Learning Disabilities, Autism and Internet Safety
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