Guidance on making a Prevent referral
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
Guidance on making a Prevent referral
This film explores issues of emotional and sexual abuse within teenage relationships.
Neglect info-poster for schools around supporting disabled children
Learn about messaging online and the internet through Smartie's story
Prevent Duty Guidance
Contest' Counter-Terrorism Strategy
Channel' Duty Guidance
Department for Education advice notices on how to deal with cyberbullying in school and at home
For Live Streaming, video chat etc
A resource for schools and colleges on Addressing child-on-child abuse
Understanding County lines and what to do if
The hard-to-have conversations guidance for parents
A webinar outlining safeguarding requirements for school governors (March 2020)
25 videos from 2019 with expert Craig Pinkney
Resources for schools to help investigate the relationship between social media and advertising
An introduction to the extremist misogynistic group called Incels. What is it all about, why are they a danger to others and to themselves and how can we proactively identify concerns?
Links for ios or android at bottom of page
Prevent duty risk assessment templates for early years, schools and further education providers.
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Registered Address: 9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.