Guidance for children and adults on how to stay safe online
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
Guidance for children and adults on how to stay safe online
Information, guidance and resources on better internet issues from European safeguarding partners
Equipping women & girls with tools to understand & resist harmful media messages that affect their self-esteem & body image.
Covering topics such as body confidence, sexism in the workplace and more
Childnet: Help and advice for parents, teachers and young people about online safety
Internet Matters website for parents
Childnet resources (teachers and parents)
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Registered Address: 9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.