Educational activities and lessons to raise awareness of extremism and promote critical thinking
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Educational activities and lessons to raise awareness of extremism and promote critical thinking
LGfL CE resource
Practical resource for teachers to empower young people to: recognise examples of extremist behaviour and content online, understand actions which could be identified as criminal activity, explore techniques used for persuasion and build resilience
CPD video with discussion and stimulus : Extremism is defined by the government as the opposition to British Values, but what does that mean in our school? Do students embrace these values?
Advice and support if you are worried about someone at risk of radicalisation
Use this collection of questions to ask pupils about their views on various safeguarding themes in school
Use these questions to better understand pupils' experiences of safeguarding in your school
DfE briefing for schools on the updated Prevent Duty Guidance (2023)
Prevent Duty Guidance
Prevent duty risk assessment templates for early years, schools and further education providers.
Educate against Hate- resources for teachers, pupils and parents on safeguarding students from radicalisation and promoting shared values
Official advice for maintained schools on promoting British Values
Resource library to support schools as they approach this difficult topic within and beyond the curriculum
DfE: Teachers Standards
Spotlight videos with stimulus and discussion questions to keep safeguarding at the top of everyone's agenda
A framework developed by the PSHE Association to facilitate classroom discussions in the event of a terrorist attack.
Download free cross curricular resources and guidance to promote British Values and hold difficult conversations
Secondary resources unpicking extreme right wing, Islamist and other forms of extremism and terrorism
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