Childline sofa chats with celebs and experts on issues that affect young people today on a range of issues
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
Childline sofa chats with celebs and experts on issues that affect young people today on a range of issues
Captain Safety is the LEGO digital safety hero and he's on a mission! Find out how you can become an online safety hero yourself!
Slides from LGfL DigiSafe based on the findings of Hopes and Streams report from our pupil survey
Australian film resource on sexting and sharing with lesson plans and video interviews with key characters
Helpful DfE case studies on different approaches to counter bullying
The flexible, ready-to-use content has been co-created with educators and young people and help teach PSHE, RHE and RSHE to Upper KS2, KS3 and KS4 students.
Bullying Resources from the Diana Award
This lesson allows students to examine their own online behaviours and understand the consequences of some of their actions. It allows them room to explore the subjectivity of cyberbullying behaviour and reinforces their responsibilities regarding their behaviour towards others online.
anti bullying presentation which is aimed at secondary school children and above. This covers issues such as cyberbullying, how bullying can feel, building resilience and choosing kindness.
Series of 5-minute safeguarding CPD sessions to use at the start of a staff briefing or inset session. This session is focused on bullying. The whole session will take approx 5 minutes, including discussion time.
Adventure-packed online game from Google that makes learning about digital safety and citizenship interactive and fun
Not just (but also) lesson plans, with assemblies and other guidance
National Deaf Children's Society advice with multiple links and resources
Challenging homophobic bullying and empowering teachers and students to challenge negative attitudes
LGfL E-Safety Survey 2015: Overview
LGfL E-Safety Survey 2015: Final Report
Advice for under 25s on sexting, selfies, bullying and online dating
Oxfam guide to teaching controversial issues of all sorts
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