This document aims to provide teachers with some general guidance on how schools might approach disinformation and conspiracy theories amongst pupils.
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
This document aims to provide teachers with some general guidance on how schools might approach disinformation and conspiracy theories amongst pupils.
Recent trends in Prevent and right-wing extremism' with Sean Arbuthnot - SafeConf 2020
BBC Bitesize's fact or fake campaign, aimed at 11-16 year olds
Spotlight videos with stimulus and discussion questions to keep safeguarding at the top of everyone's agenda
A framework developed by the PSHE Association to facilitate classroom discussions in the event of a terrorist attack.
Download free cross curricular resources and guidance to promote British Values and hold difficult conversations
Secondary resources unpicking extreme right wing, Islamist and other forms of extremism and terrorism
A DfE Prevent Officer joined the DigiSafe team for this Q&A prevent webinar to help schools implement their risk assessment
Guide for education settings and filtering providers about establishing 'appropriate levels of filtering and monitoring.
Extreme Dialogue - films and resources about those affected by extremism
Islington Radicalisation Presentation
Parent advice: radicalisation & extremism
Oxfam guide to teaching controversial issues of all sorts
Guidance for teachers to make the most of 'Going Too Far' to help their students build resilience to extremism and online harms.
Top tips and ideas to support your whole school approach
Guidance for DSLs to help safeguard learners vulnerable to radicalisation.
Blog: guidance for primary schools on promoting British Values
Guidance for parents from Crawley Borough Council written in partnership with West Sussex County Council to support you in safeguarding young people with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) from extremist ideologies.
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