Advice and support to spot the signs of criminal exploitation and involvement in gangs for children and young people.
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
Advice and support to spot the signs of criminal exploitation and involvement in gangs for children and young people.
A guide to understanding financial exploitation and money mules by Crimestoppers
Advice videos on young people being used as 'money mules' - a form of money laundering which can put children/young people at serious risk of criminalisation, frozen bank accounts and violence.
Series of films from Connect Futures showing the links between gangs and extremism
2014 (but still relevant information) from the government for parents and carers
A brief outlining challenges for communicating about Child Sexual Exploitation and abuse online, with preliminary recommendations
Gangs, music and the mediatisation of crime: expressions, violations and validations'
Home Office posters from the #KnifeFree campaign
Meant for parents but great for the staff room
A discussion paper on serious youth violence and knife crime by the Association of Directors of Childrens Services, July 2019
Research-based report for schools (2016)
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