Poster relating online grooming
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
Poster relating online grooming
Free safeguarding posters from Andrew Hall, Safeguarding in Schools
Internet Matters' poster of 12 ways to make the internet a better place
Created by Childnet and National Deaf Children's Society
Childline #toughtotalk campaign poster
Digital literacy poster highlighting the rights of a child online
Part of a broad selection of excellent posters from Common Sense Media
Poster to raise awareness of the impact of banter in bullying
Part of a broad selection of excellent posters from Common Sense Media
Poster advising pupils to talk to Childline if they don't know what to do
Internet Matters have put together a helpful flyer/poster and video about digital resilience
Talk pants with the NSPCC and share the underwear rule with your pupils
Series of safeguarding posters from Wirral SCB
Sharp / Alert / Secure / Kind / Brave (formally 'Be Internet Awesome' - US version)
Home Office posters from the #KnifeFree campaign
Poster to raise awareness of the impact of banter in bullying
Useful posters to display for parents to see, perhaps outside the school.
Part of a broad selection of excellent posters from Common Sense Media
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