The DfE statutory guidance in schools for safeguarding
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The DfE statutory guidance in schools for safeguarding
The famous online safety book has become a story app to help parents teach 3-7 year-olds how to be a good friend online.
Guidance for professionals on how to effectively challenge victim blaming language and behaviours and advice on best practice.
Advice videos on young people being used as 'money mules' - a form of money laundering which can put children/young people at serious risk of criminalisation, frozen bank accounts and violence.
CPD video with discussion and stimulus : safeguarding is a jigsaw - it's everyone's responsibility to notice things and pass them on. What do your staff notice day to day?
Red / amber / green to help ensure compliance for *MAINTAINED*, *FREE SCHOOL & ACADEMY* websites
Guidance for schools & colleges - when to call the police
Lesson resources to teach AI literacy in KS3-5
DfE briefing for schools on the updated Prevent Duty Guidance (2023)
Explore these standards as referenced in KCSIE
CPD video to support staff's understanding of affluent neglect
CPD video to support staff's understanding of affluent neglect
A poster to encourgae pupils to tell an adult if a friend tells them something they are worried about
8 lesson plans from KS1-4
The framework is designed to enable a whole school/ college approach to racial literacy and has five key themes: leadership, teaching and learning, voice and power, wellbeing and belonging and community leadership.
A collection of resources to support you in reflecting on the following questions: How do I intentionally show up as an anti-racist? How do I face the facts about racism, white privilege, and white supremacy? How do I challenge racial stereotyping? How do I champion equality and fight for equity? How do I share any privilege I have to centre marginalised Black and brown people?
KS1-4 lesson packs. Teach about discrimination, stereotyping, inclusion, and belonging to a community.
Various resources from the Centre including tools for communicating with children and parents as a result of CSA
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