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Safer Internet Day

Use our free resources to celebrate Safer Internet Day in school (lots new for 2024!).

And why not help parents too by sharing our new video about what grownups just don't get! Watch it here and send the direct link home in your parent newsletter

Whatever you do, share what you get up to with us (email, X-Twitter or Facebook) and find this page again at

NEW for 2024 - LGfL's Safer Internet Day Resources

Student Led Film Plan

There is no better way of engaging parents with online safety than with their own children. Use our plan to create a film with your pupils (you don't need a camera or filming skills - give it a try).

Snapshot of plan document

2023 Safer Internet Day Resources

Safer Internet Day top tips to plan your day

5 Top Tips for a great Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day parent email template

Email template to adapt and send to parents

Use our video lesson / assembly

We made the video below for last year's SID but if you haven't used it already, it will work just as well this year - have a look - it gives you a ready-made 20 minute lesson or assembly where our schools hosts present questions to discuss as a class, top answers from the pupils of All Saints Benhilton Primary to tell us what they think, plus a gaming scenario to watch....and even a singalong! 

According to St Dunstan's Primary:

"The children were very engaged and there was a lot of excited chatter in the room. They learnt the importance of respect and who to turn to if they needed help. It was great for them to be reminded of these important messages by their peers - the children really took to it."

Teachers - read this first!

Important notes for teachers:

► the focus is on gaming and staying safe online

► it is aimed at 7 - 11 year olds (that's KS2 in Eng / Wales, Y4-7 in NI and P4-7 in Scotland)

► the video includes an extract from our 'Going too Far' and our 'Undressed' song (very relevant in the light of the latest news). Content warning - the themes covered are realistic and important and age-appropriate. We do not consider them to be scary but please be aware that game-play footage is shown, plus a text message implying violence (not at all graphic) and how to respond to that, plus mention of getting undressed online (nothing explicit or scary or talking about motives etc, but please be aware. If you want to check those particular bits first, watch from 6m49-11m10 / 14m-16m46

► the video is in YouTube but we've tested it and it even works in strict restricted mode

► it is just under 20 minutes, including discussion times (decide in advance how you want to do that - pairs/groups/as a class?)

► you can read the discussion questions here if you want to be prepared first - they have 1 or 2-minute countdowns but if you need longer, just press pause

features pupil voices - it is hosted exclusively by amazing pupils from All Saints Benhilton Primary and we would like to give them a big thank you and tell them they are amazing! Why not tweet them to tell them how great they are (remember to tag @LGfLSafeguardED too 😉)?

What next?

Let us know how it went and what you think. And remember, every day is Safer Internet Day and safeguarding never sleeps.. 

It's vital we keep protecting and teaching children and young people all year round. So why not spend some more time on the resources shared above, and if you don't already make the most of our live training service, we would love to see you there. 

Plus there's self-service online CPD materials and signposting. And to make sure you don't miss out, follow us on Twitter / Facebook and sign up to our newsletter

Save more than you spend and keep children safe

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