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Meeting each half term, this forum is for any DSL who works with SEND pupils either in specialist or mainstream education provision. It offers an opportunity for DSLs to come together, discuss challenges relating to safeguarding children with SEND, share good practice and solutions and offer peer support. 

Each meeting of the SEND DSL Forum will have a theme so that colleagues can decide if they wish to attend or not.

And the best bit? It's completely free!

Forum for SEND Schools DSLs

Next Forum dates:

May 15th - "Responding Effectively to Injuries and Bruising"

July 2nd - DSL Wellbeing


Notes & Resources from Previous Meetings

Managing Bereavement

Access the slides, shared advice and resources on how schools can manage bereavement and grief in their settings

Bereavement in a school context - core principles

Self Injurious Behaviour

Why do children display self injurious behaviour? What are some of effective response strategies? Take a look at the slides from our November 2024 forum meeting.

Image of slide giving list of possible reasons why SIB occurs

Personal & Intimate Care

How do you ensure the delivery of safe, respectful and appropriate personal and intimate care tasks in your school? Take a look at these slides from our October Forum meeting.

Image of slide detailing why we need to be explicit about expectations relating to personal and intimate care

Preventing Child on Child Abuse

In May 2024 the forum explored successful approaches to preventing child on child abuse, which included sharing some great resources.

Image of slide from SEND DSL Forum on Child on Child Abuse

SEND Resource Portal

Take a look at these curated resources from external partners, to support with the online safety of SEND pupils

SEND resource portal image

Bereavement and pupils with SEND

Take a look at this NEW resource from LGfL & Child Bereavement UK to help teachers with supporting SEND pupils who experience bereavement

Screenshot of Child Bereavement website homepage displaying resources

Save more than you spend and keep children safe

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