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TechSquad Training

LGfL's full range of on-demand training and support videos for all DTP Partners and school onsite techs, as well as links to live training available on an array of topics.

What is TechSquad Training?

Richard Martin explains how the Digital Transformation Partners initiative at LGfL supports affiliated third-party support organisations to maximise their support for LGfL schools and the uptake of LGfL services.

All TechSquad Training Resources

Cisco Meraki Systems Manager

For DTP Partners and school onsite techs to get a good general understanding of Cisco Meraki Systems Manager MDM including: iOS DEP / VPP workflows Mac Education Payload Mac randomisation and how to prevent it New dynamic tags: enrolment types Android Zero Touch enrolment


A session for those whose questions haven't been answered through our support videos and for onsite techs to get a good technical understanding of WebScreen, how it works and how they can configure it for their school.

WebScreen Overview

We have produced a number of videos to support users of WebScreen, covering an array of topics, helping you utilise WebScreen to the fullest.

Nominated Contact Training

This course is intended for Nominated Contacts from all technical backgrounds (in both primary and secondary schools) and is particularly relevant to individuals who have only recently become Nominated Contacts or those needing a refresher on the system permissions and functionality available.

GridStore Support Videos

This site is designed to give you how-to videos on how to setup, use and utilise GridStore in your School.

Microsoft Readiness Matrix

This document will provide the full list of Microsoft 365 stack for Education, highlighting all the supporting elements to get you up to speed with it all, including; user guides, training courses, online technical demos, training materials for Microsoft partners and portals to study and pass Microsoft certification exams.

Safeguarding and Security for school Technicians

An overview of the various layers of security and Safeguarding tools that protect LGfL Schools To include: Sophos Home Protect User Monitoring Safeguarding Training and Guidance Cybersecurity products and resources.

Google Training

Both live and on-demand sessions for all elements of the Google for Education platform, specifically catered to IT Admins.

Adobe Creative Cloud Technical Training

This workshop will be an onboarding session to take you through the Adobe Admin Console and deployment options within schools.

It will also explain how schools can gain support when help is needed.

Adobe TechSquad Training OnDemand

Adobe TechSquad Support Deck

Save more than you spend and keep children safe

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Registered Address: ​9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.