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Develop Your Digital Strategy

Wherever you are on your digital Journey, LGfL is here to help you

Getting the best outcomes and value for money from the use of EdTech requires a carefully planned strategy that covers the following:

  • Building a digital vision and defining objectives to deliver clear outcomes

  • Assessing the current state of technology and its effectiveness

  • Identifying key components to deliver the vision

  • Determining Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)

  • Managing change and risk

  • Choosing the right partners and understanding how support will be delivered

  • Benchmarking

  • Embedding ongoing training

  • Measuring the benefits

LGfL Training

Training and Support

LGfL in-school support, training and conference events are integral parts of the LGfL Energise curriculum service provided at no extra charge for schools

Digital Transformation Partners

Digital Transformation Partners

LGfL works in close partnership with organisations that directly support Schools, Academies, Trusts and other educational institutions regarding the use of ICT, to help empower schools to improve their digital strategies and supercharge learning for the millions of students across the UK. 

Digital Transformation Toolkit

Digital Transformation Toolkit

Welcome to the Digital Transformation Toolkit (DTT). This powerful self diagnostic tool has been designed to allow schools, LA's and Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) to assess all elements of digital transformation in one place; identifying the key criteria to support the successful implementation of digital technologies to effectively support all aspects of a school community.

EdTech Hubs

EdTech Hubs

LGfL, in partnership with EdTech UK, are developing communities of practice that share advice and guidance about the successful and impactful adoption of technology within school communities. Use the link below to access the next online support and on demand events from experienced senior leaders and expert practitioners.

EdTech Hubs TV

EdTech Hubs TV

LGfL, in partnership with EdTech UK with regular updates from the EdTech community on the effective use of technology for enhancing teaching and learning in schools and colleges across England.



PedTech is a new way of framing the focus of effective teaching and learning with technology. With PedTech we start by thinking about pedagogical intentions and then work out what technology is needed to support our pedagogical aims. Rather than the other way around

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Registered Address: ​9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.