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Egress Email

Ensures secure and encrypted messaging and GDPR compliance for schools sending personal and confidential data.

Each LGfL secondary school will be able to claim up to 25 licences and each LGfL primary school 15 licences.

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Introduction to Egress

Email Encryption

Secure emails with one-click. Integration with Microsoft Outlook and Office 365 helps you secure and share data easily.

Send large files securely. Bypass file size restrictions to send encrypted large files, with total control over who has access.

Revoke access to emails. Stop further access to content you’ve sent. Prevent data breaches, fix mistakes and control your data at all times.

Recipients use for free. Never worry about whether recipients can access your encrypted content.

Egress message encryption screenshot

Protect data however you need to. Encrypt mails and attachments in transit and at rest, and add multi-factor authentication and policy controls for additional security. Encrypt both at the desktop or the email gateway, and control access to messages in shared mailboxes.

Prevent download and copy/paste. Control how recipients can use your shared data, revoking access or changing access permissions in real-time. Add watermarks and restrict printing to keep documents in your control.

Audit data sharing and view access reports. Get full visibility over who is sharing sensitive data and who has access. Protect your data and maintain regulatory compliance.

Customise email security policies and automation. Prompt or enforce encryption when a user tries to send sensitive data or encrypt automatically based on the recipient and any keywords.

Egress message revocation screenshot

How to Activate Your Egress Account

To activate your Egress account you will need to click on the link in the activation email.

The password will need to have one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number, as well as two security questions in the case of password resets.


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Registered Address: ​9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.