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Managed Wifi

Managed wireless networks for schools, available to LGfL schools as an optional extra service.

Introduction to Managed Wifi

LGfL Managed Wifi are secure wireless networks that easily integrate into the security model included with a school's broadband connection are available for subscribing schools. The service employs Cisco wireless technology and is fully-managed. It integrates seamlessly with LGfL's web filtering service, SchoolProtect.


Why choose LGfL managed wireless networks?

    • Fully managed wireless systems
    • Cisco Aironet-based WLAN technology
    • Secure, authenticated and auditable access
    • School control over wireless networks and user access
    • Third party device access control
    • Integrates with WebScreen 2.0 web filtering
    • Integrates with LGfL IP Telephony services
    • 3 year interest-free credit available

    The LGfL wireless service makes use of the LGfL WAN and allows users from a suitably-equipped school to access their school’s local wireless network using LGfL USO authentication.

    The system is centrally managed by Cisco Wireless network controllers that provide core authentication services for the network-wide secure wireless capability. These are located in the two data centres that run the LGfL network.

    Schools can specify how many wireless networks they wish to broadcast and can control which users have access to each one. Schools frequently choose to configure wireless access to their curriculum and admin networks for certain staff and groups of students and separate a guest network that simply grants access to the internet. All internet access is then filtered by the WebScreen 2.0 filtering service.

    Wireless network access is configurable via an easy-to-use management interface where schools can create guest user access and restrict or allow the access of third party machines.

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    Registered Address: ​9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.