An online and automated telephone method for a school to inform parents and pupils of the status of the school on any given day.
OpenCheck is included for LGfL schools as part of the LGfL service subscription
Introduction to Open Check
Easy-to-use service for providing real-time information about the status of schools
In the wake of the disruption and media coverage caused by unplanned school closures in recent years, the OpenCheck information service was developed for schools subscribing to LGfL broadband services.
Controlled by schools to ensure up-to-date information is provided
OpenCheck provides parents and pupils with convenient methods for checking whether a school is open, re-opening, or closed on a given date. The status information can be updated by appropriate school staff at any time, thereby ensuring that an up-to-the-minute report is always available. Data is available to parents and other end users through a map-based website or automated telephone line, while authorised school staff can update information via the LGfL Support Site.
Integrates with school websites
An added bonus with OpenCheck is that the stored status information can be dynamically queried from another website. In this way, it is possible for a school to embed OpenCheck messages within its own web presence or portal, and so achieve a level of integration whereby status information is displayed on an existing page that is well-known to parents and pupils, while all processing and maintenance are handled by LGfL's back-end database systems.
Altogether, OpenCheck offers an easy and efficient solution for advising large numbers of people about the status of the school. OpenCheck also integrates with the AutoText school to parents text message service and IP Telephony systems available to schools via LGfL.
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