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USO-AutoText: Cost-Effective Text and Email Messaging Service

What is AutoText?

USO-AutoText gives schools the ability to send text and email messages to parents and staff via an easy-to-use online interface. With no set-up fees, USO-AutoText is a cost-effective option for schools wishing to enhance communication with parents via a secure automated system. USO-AutoText is available to LGfL schools as an optional extra service.

AutoText logo

Low cost, full featured service

USO-AutoText is a cost-effective text and email messaging service available to LGfL schools.

Authorised staff within a school, such as Head Teacher, IT/Network Manager or office staff, can be set up with the appropriate permissions to use the system. This enables them to send messages to the mobile phones of school staff and/or parents via an easy-to-use dedicated website.

Quick and simple to use

When sending messages to pupil contacts, pupils can be filtered by school, year and class allowing specific messages to be sent only to the parents of relevant year groups or even individual classes. Alternatively, custom groups of staff, to whom messages need to be sent on a regular basis, can be created and saved. Such groups might include members of a school's senior management team or departmental heads.

Quote from Andrew Dodd

"Langdon School has been using the USO-AutoText service to contact parents/carers. We have found the system very simple to operate and has provided a really invaluable communication route. Response from parents/carers has also been overwhelmingly positive by providing them with timely information on either their own child or whole school issues."
Andrew Dodd Business Manager, Langdon School

Secure, automated link to school MIS

The service integrates with the USO AutoUpdate application that exports information from the school's MIS to automatically populate and update the USO-AutoText system with staff and parent/guardian mobile phone and email contact data.

The management interface allows the system user to send messages using the exported data, view up-to-date balance information that shows how many text messages the school has left to send and access a full audit trail of previously sent messages.

Low cost, full featured service

Attendance reports can also be exported from the school's MIS, once or twice each day, to allow the school to generate an unauthorised absence report and easily contact the parents or guardians of those pupils.

The USO-AutoText service will automatically generate a personalised message to be sent to each contact's mobile phone to notify them of the absence and request an explanation by return. All the system user needs to do is press the button for the messages to be sent.

Low cost, full featured service

USO-AutoText can generate reports showing which mobile numbers exported from the school's MIS are considered to be invalid or highlight parents whose contact details are missing.

Save more than you spend and keep children safe

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