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LGfL Workload Reduction Pilot powered by TeachMateAI

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The use of technology and AI has the potential to revolutionise the way teachers teach and students learn. By automating certain tasks and providing personalised feedback, AI can help students reach their full potential while reducing the workload of teachers. Currently, research in this field is limited, but LGfL is organizing a pilot program with TeachMateAI to explore how AI can help schools save money, promote well-being, and energize teaching and learning in alignment with LGfL's core aims. 

According to a survey conducted in 35 countries, teachers in the UK work the fourth highest number of hours per week, amounting to 50.9 hours. Only teachers in New Zealand, Singapore, and Chile work longer hours. This has led to a retention crisis, as 44% of teachers in England are planning to leave the profession within the next five years. At LGfL, we aim to support schools in reducing teacher workload so that they can focus more on doing what they love.

Details on the pilot

LGfL, in partnership with TeachMateAI, will provide 20 schools with a whole school TeachMateAI Pro account for a term (Spring) so that we can explore:

  • If the purposeful use of AI will support workload reduction. 

  • If AI can save teachers time and schools money, energise teaching and learning and improve well-being by automating tasks such as lesson planning, grading, and providing student feedback.

We will also use the pilot to:

  • Case school feedback on improving TeachMateAI/AI to make it more valuable and effective.

  • Identify potential challenges with using TeachMateAI/AI in a classroom setting and develop solutions.

  • Inform the development of TeachMateAI - the TeachMateAI team would very much like to view the pilot as an opportunity for us to listen to the needs of schools (beyond our own that we work in!) and respond to these as best we can through further development of our platform.

Please note that the deadline has now passed.

Find out more about how TeachmateAI can support your school

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