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Simply-drawn, colourful symbols for use in SEND, EAL and beyond to illustrate concepts in a clear and concise way.

What is Widgit?

Widgit Symbols are simply drawn, colourful symbols designed to illustrate a single concept in a clear and concise way. They cover a range of topics (including many curricular areas) wide enough to make them suitable for symbol users of all ages and abilities.

Already used by many SEND departments and schools, the entire symbol database of over 15,000 images is now available to all LGfL TRUSTnet schools to search and download.

The use of these symbols increases the accessibility of written text by giving readers of all literacy levels greater access to information. As they are designed specifically for written information, Widgit Symbol users can develop real independence in reading and writing.

There are many ways to use the symbols, but some common ideas are:

We also have over 1000 worksheets available which are differentiated and include Widgit symbols to help you make the curriculum accessible for all learners.

Mobile Device Compatibility

This resource uses a responsive website that will scale according to the size of your screen; it will display and function equally well on a mobile, tablet device or desktop computer.

Licence and Privacy Information

Use and Adapt

School community only

Copyright allowance - Use and Adapt, No commercial use, no school-community access only

Permitted uses:

  •  Use Widgit Symbols in teaching and learning resources to school. 

  • Print and use the symbol resources in the classroom. 

  • Insert Widgit Symbols into PowerPoint, Word and other programs for teaching and learning resources

  • Use the Symbols to create resources to use within the school environment

Not permitted:

  •  Do not upload Widgit Symbols or symbol resources to your website for others to access 

  • Do not upload widgit symbols or symbol resources to a resource-sharing website, for example TES Resources 

  • Do not email Widgit Symbols or Symbol resources to a school who are not a LGfL Broadband Subscribing School. 

  • Do not use Widgit Symbols or Symbol Resources for any commercial activity.

Widgit symbols are protected by copyright. Widgit Symbols and symbol resources have been licenced to LGfL subscribing schools 

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Registered Address: ​9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.