A one-hour free online introduction to LGfL curriculum content to support teaching and learning.
Secure Broadband: Get connected with LGfL Safeguarding Offer: Apply for Monitoring
A one-hour free online introduction to LGfL curriculum content to support teaching and learning.
Explore various therapeutic approaches and strategies to address students' emotional, social, and behavioural needs
If you have just become or are about to become a DSL in a school, please come along to this training to understand your role and responsibilities.
Join our SEND DSL Forum to network and share good practice with all matters relating to safeguarding SEND pupils
If you have just become or are about to become a DSL in a school, please come along to this training to understand your role and responsibilities.
Neglect is the most prevalent form of abuse but often the most challenging to identify. Discover types, impact and next steps
Gain essential skills and confidence as a Computing Leader in primary school
This session is intended for technical staff members responsible for managing internet filtering using SchoolProtect-Webscreen.
Equip yourself to lead impactful mental health initiatives and prioritise your own well-being as a senior mental health lead.
This free session will include training on using computing skills in creative ways using Ipad with the Everyone can code resources.
The National Cybersecurity Centre (part of GCHQ) has designed this strategic training for all schools (ideal for SLT)
Learn about the journey Godolphin Junior Academy undertook to enable an effective implementation of a 1:1 Chromebook strategy. Understand how to prepare and overcome potential challenges.
KCSIE requires ALL governors to attend safeguarding training that is strategic to help them fulfil their duties
Spend time with staff in a school context from LEO AcamdeyTrust to help support your EdTech Journey development
Learn about the journey James Elliman Academy undertook to enable an effective implementation of a 1:1 Chromebook strategy. Understand how to prepare and overcome potential challenges.
In this session we will look at how LGfL's resources can support the teaching of the IT stand of Computing
A one-hour free online introduction to LGfL curriculum content to support teaching and learning.
This session is intended for technical staff members responsible for managing internet filtering using SchoolProtect-Webscreen.
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Registered Address: 9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.