Safeguarding Resources
Take a look at these safeguarding resources from both within and outside of LGfL to help you with teaching and learning, improving policies and practice and supporting parents.
Getting ready for the start of the year - We're here to help!
This document provides an overview of our key safeguarding resources that can help you prepare for the start of the academic year. And the best bit is that they are all FREE!
Online Safety Audit
As mentioned in KCSIE, access our comprehensive Online Safety Audit

Template Policies
Download, use and adapt our template policies

Parent Online Safety Presentation for Schools
Use this ready to use presentation for your next parent online safety event

Safer Internet Day
Want support with ideas for how to celebrate Safe Internet Day in February? Take a look here!

This set of resources for the youngest pupils helps to protect them from being coerced or tricked into taking their clothes off whilst on a device.

Safe Resources
Explore our extensive portal of safeguarding resources from both within and outside of LGfL.

No Filming
Access our video and information about why parents and others should be encouraged not to film and upload imagery near schools.

Digital Explorers: An Online Safety Quest
Download our free Board Game for KS2 pupils to explore safe online behaviour in a fun and interactive way

Find out about our dedicated forum for DSLs working with SEND pupils to explore pertinent safeguarding themes.

Training Overview
Take a look at all the terrific training that the LGfL SafeguardED team delivers free to schools

Newsletter Archive
Have a look at our archive of SafeguardED newsletters

Anti Bullying Week
Have a look at our resources to help you to take part in Anti-Bullying Week