** 2024 Quizzes available below to download NOW! **
KCSIE Staff Knowledge Quizzes
To help you make sure staff have read (and more importantly understood) KCSIE, we have developed a bank of free quizzes available to all schools.
Select one or several (great to review issues throughout the year) of the quizzes below to share with colleagues - ask them to take the quiz then share their results for your records and so you can follow up on areas for development.
What have we found in 2023-24?

Tens of thousands of colleagues have completed the quizzes and the data is helping to show gaps in knowledge. In response, we have provided two new resources for you:
analysis with reflective questions for DSLs and SLT to explore and reflect upon (see image)
slides to use with all staff that you can insert into your own training materials (without the DSL questions)
Let us know how you get on! Hear more on our YouTube channel here.
Let's Get Quizzing!
After completing the KCSIE quizzes herself, Ingrid printed off copies of the ‘General’ and ‘Types of Harm’ quizzes and used these as an activity within her whole staff safeguarding training. In small groups, school staff were asked to complete an assigned quiz together, promoting lots of interesting discussions. Ingrid shared how challenging it can be to keep safeguarding refresher training interesting and engaging each year, especially when staff have been attending such training for many years. There can be an unconscious tendency for staff to ‘switch off’ but in using the KCSIE quizzes the training was more interactive and they also added a dose of healthy competition! The school staff have also individually been asked to complete the general quizzes, and then during a meeting with the DSL, reflect upon their areas for development (rather than just sharing their scores). This will then be used to inform the provision of further safeguarding updates and training across the rest of the academic year.