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When Ofsted Inspects Safeguarding

*** Sept 2024 update ***

As a result of Ofsted's response to The Big Listen, we anticipate changes to the inspection of safeguarding in schools. We will update these pages as soon as more details are unveiled.

Are you ready for Ofsted?

Ofsted inspections can cause anxiety for school staff, especially when it comes to safeguarding. We have created two resources to help prepare and hopefully therefore reduce anxiety.

Inspectors are looking to see a culture of safeguarding and a whole-school (not tickbox) approach; but what does that mean in practice and how can you work towards this? Explore either:

  • Key mentions of safeguarding in the Inspection Handbook, followed by questions for self-review and resources to support you with these areas

  • 12 short videos from a DSL who has recently been through three Ofsted's, giving an overview of what they focussed on, what the process looked like, what was asked in meetings and how inspectors interacted with staff and students

When Ofsted Inspects Safeguarding

The journey - from receiving 'the call' through to grading. Find out which elements were probed and how, what questions were asked, including the unexpected, who inspectors engaged with around the school/how, and what steps you might take to be best prepared.

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Governors - you may also find the sections above helpful to understand the role of Ofsted when it comes to safeguarding. Ofsted has published some videos around Ofsted and Governors here (not all safeguarding-related).

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