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Wellbeing Ambassadors: Empowering Student Leaders

Learn how to establish a program that trains and supports student ambassadors, equipping them with skills in peer support, communication, and advocacy.

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Why is the course spilt into two parts?

'The course is split into 2 parts as it allows for time for the professions to enrol and develop their wellbeing ambassadors. Part 1 concentrates on ‘why’ it's important to recruit wellbeing ambassadors and highlights the impact they can have in your school community. Part 2 focuses on the ‘how’ and how to develop a sustainable approach.'

Is necessary to attend part 1 in order to attend part 2?
Ideally it would be beneficial if you could attend both part 1 and part 2 of this training, as both sessions complement each other and help you to understand the reason and context around developing wellbeing ambassadors within your school.

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