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Mental Health and Wellbeing

This resource is intended to support schools to develop a positive culture and talk about "mental wealth".

We aim to support schools wherever they are currently on their journey regarding mental health and wellbeing for both staff and pupils.

Mental Health and Wellbeing LGFL logo

The Service Offer

Training Sessions - running in the academic year 2024-25

Visit the training session page(s) by clicking the links below. 

There you can learn more about the training course content, explore some of the vocabulary and also book on to training.

Learn about previous training course content.

What makes this LGfL training different?

What is the likely impact of this training?

LGfL Mental Health and Wellbeing Curriculum Blog Archive

Kelly Hannaghan - Mind Work Matters Ltd

Kelly Hannaghan

Kelly Hannaghan (@mindworkmatters) is a Mental Health and Wellbeing Consultant.  She is an award-winning motivational speaker and school improvement advisor.  Kelly is passionate about putting wellbeing at the heart of education and is a regular blogger and published author.  

Kelly consistently empowers stakeholders through initiatives to build their resilience in learning and workplaces. Her work has been recognised by the Department for Education (DfE), The NCB, The Anna Freud Centre and The Education Support Partnership. Kelly collaborated with LGfL, to create the digital resource ‘Wellbeing Connected’ and was part of the team which received a ‘Digital Excellence Award for Inclusive Practice Using LGfL Resources’ at Lessness Heath School. She was also a BETT finalist in 2019 for her collaboration of work with Optimus Education

There are many messages leaders take away from listening to Kelly deliver keynotes, training and workshops across the UK, she is a driving force for changing the way we look at wellbeing.  

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