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The resources on this site are all PowerPoint's created to support teaching of students with severe learning difficulties at The Bridge School in North London. The resources fall into four categories: literacy, maths, science, and PSHE. Teacher notes are available for each PowerPoint as separate documents; these contain ideas for how to get the most out of the resource, extension activities and printable materials. - Nick Wonham

This includes 100 curriculum-based audio books. A great tool for students who find it difficult to read or engage with written texts

Develop a positive culture and talk about mental wealth - This support portal includes curated links, expert video content and training support.

The j2e Tool Suite is a collection of online educational tools which include a multi-media document creator (j2e5), a code writing framework (j2code), a database tool (j2branch and j2data), a file storage area (my files), the ability to create a school website and blog (j2webby and j2bloggy) and more.

A 1970s style comic maker for Art and for Literacy, allowing pupils to bring a superhero to life and with customised backgrounds, superheroes with speech and effect bubbles to create a narrative.

The Young Interpreter Scheme helps unlock the potential within each school community for pupils to use their skills and knowledge to support new learners of English

Tips, tricks and ideas to support inclusion in 5 minutes or less.

A series of posters to promote inclusion and wellbeing in your school with a web page for further information and links to resources for each topic.

Resources by Young Minds to support staff and young people on resilience and mental health

Support for practitioners working with black and minority ethnic (BME) children and those learning English as an additional language (EAL)

Bereavement Toolkit - Grief is a normal and natural response to loss, yet how pupils are supported can have significant impacts on long term outcomes

The New Arrivals Tool was designed to collect information from parents/carers of new arrivals whose language is not English. The tool supports the induction and early profiling of newly arrived learners, by providing a framework to collect background information. This helps schools think about the most effective provision for the newly arrived learner.

The BETT award-winning Busy Things includes many interactive and multisensory activities that are short, clear, motivating, humorous and which provide instant rewards. These resources are especially popular for pupils with SEND of all ages and can used to extend G&T in younger learners. You do not have to navigate through year group and key stage for older learners.

SEN Assists Fairytales include offline activities and accessible animations for 6 fairytales created specifically for those with SEND. The software includes motivators and incorporates specialist principles, clear and engaging visuals and a range of differentiated activities.

Everyone Matters has been produced to raise awareness of the problems of homophobic bullying in schools.Developed in partnership with the Metropolitan Police and Wandsworth and Waltham Forest local authorities, these resources feature role play scenarios to challenge both students and teachers to reflect on their own attitudes to this form of bullying.

Social stories and skills resources featuring photos and symbol based editable resources which to support learners with communication difficulties

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