Explore our filtering & Safe-Tech created to support schools by leading safeguarding experts
Safe Filtering
From KCSIE 2023, the DSL is asked to take lead responsibility for web filtering and consider the DfE standards. The videos and downloads on this page will support your journey towards this - whether you are a beginner or have worked for years with your technical teams to better understand and effectively manage filtering.

Safe Monitoring
As a result of new expectations on schools for filtering and monitoring, in both KCSIE 2023 and the DfE standards, we now have a new monitoring service, alongside an expanded team and more of the same great advice, guidance and support that you have come to expect from LGfL.

Filtered SIM Cards
Our new Filtered SIM Cards service is designed specifically for schools, providing SIM cards for secure, responsible, and school-appropriate mobile data.

To help meet the DfE Standards on filtering, we are looking to the future with SchoolProtect, our suite of products for keeping children safe on the internet when they are in school.

Web filtering for remote learning, designed in partnership with schools to keep children safe

Ensures secure and encrypted messaging and GDPR compliance for schools sending personal and confidential data.

Ensure safe and appropriate access to the educational videos you need: appropriate without overblocking

Online Safety Audit
A customisable document, free for you to download and use in your school.

Safe Remote Learning
Safeguarding procedures and settings for remote learning