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Keeping children safe

Safeguarding at LGfL logo

The SafeguardED team within LGfL are here to help schools with all matters to do with safeguarding children, both online and offline. The SafeguardED service is predominantly free to all schools, and offers a wide range of support including, extensive safeguarding training delivered by leading experts, policy guidance and templates and quality-assured resources for staff, parents and carers to help. And don't forget we also provide tech solutions such as filtering systems. 


Get contextual alerts for concerning pupil behaviour, communications or access.


Filtering & Safe Tech

Have a look at our safeguarding solutions that make children’s access to technology safer.

HomeProtect Logo

Statutory Guidance

Information to help schools with their safeguarding compliance as laid out in Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) and other guidance from DfE and Ofsted.

safeguardED logo


The SafeguardED Team offers an extensive programme of FREE virtual safeguarding courses for Governors, DSLs and Computing/RSHE leads.

School Staff Training

Types of Harm

Children can experience abuse and harm in various ways. Explore our resources to find out more about how to prevent harm and protect children from these.

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Take a look at these safeguarding resources from both within and outside of LGfL.

Safeguarded Resources Screenshot


Use our Online Safety Quiz for pupils, targeted at pupils in upper Key Stage 2 and lower Key Stage 3, to assess their knowledge and identify gaps.


Safeguarding for Governors

Guidance and signposting to sources of training and development to help governors and trustees of schools and academies carry out their duties as well as links to the key documents they must read.

Safeguarding training for school governors


Explore the resources to support speaking to parents around safeguarding issues, especially (but not only) regarding online safety and devices.

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New in SafeguardED

We are @LGfLSafeguardED - follow us

Case studies - how have schools benefitted from the SafeguardED (formerly known as Digisafe) service

Learn how Whitefield Primary in Liverpool make the most of the DigiSafe service for the benefit of their pupils.

LGfL's Undressed campaign is all about stopping the youngest children being tricked into getting undressed online. Find out here how it was used at Whitefield.

Find out how award winners Tudor Primary in Southall weave online safeguarding through all they do.

Find out how LGfL web filtering helps the Leading Learning Trust keep children safe.

We recently released Going Too Far - Extremism and the Law. Find out how a school used it to keep children safe.

Our HomeProtect web filtering for the home has given schools across the country reassurance that school devices at home are as safe as possible.

Save more than you spend and keep children safe

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Registered Address: ​9th Floor, 10 Exchange Square, Primrose Street, London, EC2A 2BR. London Grid for Learning Trust - a charity whose mission is the advancement of Education. A company limited by guarantee registered in England no 4205579 Reg charity no 1090412.