Removing Barriers to Learning
Using technology to promote inclusion
The LGfL EdTech Hub and PedTech programmes features a range of expert practitioners, senior leaders and pupils that model precise, purposeful and impactful use of technology to help remove barriers to learning for all learners.

About the IncludED service
As a national leader in the provision and effective use of technology in English classrooms, LGfL is committed to supporting teachers to be inclusive in their everyday approaches to teaching and learning.
We recognise that removing barriers to learning can help a wide range of learners, not just those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) to the curriculum.
Working with our community of schools, we aim to support children and young people with diverse learning needs - wherever they learn. We aim to develop appropriate inclusive resources, create effective CPD materials, and offer high-quality training. This includes support for learners for whom English is an additional language (EAL pupils).
LGfL recognises the breadth of expertise of staff in our classrooms and schools, and the multitude of professionals who work with them (including public bodies and other charities).
We actively seek to engage in partnerships and to collaborate in order to provide specialist support and resources to enable and enhance inclusion.
'Communication Works is annual conference hosted by CENMAC, a unique service based in London, supporting children and young people to access the curriculum and/or to communicate with a wide range of assistive technologies. Communication Works gives visitors the opportunity to see a range of assistive and accessible technology, communication tools, digital strategies and person-centred approaches, while being inspired by those who use these technologies.
This year the whole day was brilliantly led by student ambassador Kamani Edwards who was supported throughout his primary and secondary years by CENMAC and is now studying TV and film at college. The keynote speaker was an inspirational young woman called Ellise Haywood, who, if you listen to her on the footage, might remind you of someone very familiar. We were also blown away by the musical achievements of Jess Fisher, who uses a digi controller to make music.